

@snila.___623 X @esteelaudertw #阿極變漂亮 雅詩蘭黛粉持久竟然有氣墊粉餅啦!🤩💛 集結持妝24H不暗沉不脫妝防水防汗 走到哪都是閃耀光芒! 先用雅詩蘭黛蜜桃乳 #仙氣紫 做全臉提亮校色 一上臉暗沉膚色不均都改善了!🥰✨ 質地水潤輕薄好推開 瞬間冷白皮~!! 讓後續底妝持妝控油一整天~💗🤩 再用最新推出的雅詩蘭黛 #粉持久氣墊 最火紅的粉持久粉底液竟然出氣墊啦!🤩 怎麼能不用看看呢~😻🤤 果然還是一樣好用不會讓我失望~ 高防曬係數SPF45 PA+++完美抵抗即將到來的炎熱酷暑 妝效很輕薄 是很高級漂亮的奶油霧光感 遮瑕度也很高不會假面厚重 我的黑眼圈痘痘都被遮蓋住了🤤👍🏻超厲害~ 而且乾肌上臉保濕度也很夠完全不乾不卡紋不斑駁 實測工作一整天也都不會暗沉脫妝土石流 回到家妝效一樣漂亮到不行!🥰✨ 真的不愧是最持久的氣墊粉餅 #粉持久氣墊 一年四季你絕對不能沒有它~😈✨ @esteelaudertw #雅詩蘭黛 #NO1超級粉底 #粉持久 #最持久的氣墊粉餅 ♬ Magnetic - ILLIT

Our services include::

  1. Online Store Setup in Various Countries: We provide a comprehensive solution from store registration to operation management, ensuring that businesses can quickly and smoothly list their products in different markets.

  2. Cross-Border Logistics: We establish an efficient and reliable cross-border logistics system to ensure that products can be quickly and safely delivered to consumers in Southeast Asian countries, enhancing the shopping experience.

  3. Content E-commerce Development: We tailor content e-commerce strategies for each brand, utilizing TikTok’s unique short video format to create highly engaging product displays and promotional videos, boosting brand awareness and product conversion rates.

  4. Advertising Placement: We leverage TikTok’s advertising platform for precise ad placement, developing optimal strategies based on target markets and consumer behavior to maximize advertising effectiveness and help brands quickly enter the market.

  5. Localized Marketing Strategies: We conduct in-depth research of local markets to create marketing plans that cater to local consumers, enhancing brand influence and loyalty through online and offline activities, as well as community marketing.

  6. Data Analysis and Optimization: We continuously monitor and analyze marketing data, making adjustments based on the results to consistently improve operational efficiency and market performance.

永恆跳動以專業的服務和豐富的經驗,致力於為企業提供全方位的TikTok Shop代運營服務,幫助品牌成功出海,實現全球銷售和國際化目標。無論是初次出海還是已經有跨境電商經驗的企業,我們都能提供定制化的解決方案,助力品牌在東南亞市場取得卓越成績。